Home > ONLINE STORE > LURES > SQUID JIGS > YAMASHITA > New Yamashita Eginno MogoMogu Squid Jigs

New Yamashita Eginno MogoMogu Squid Jigs

New Yamashita Eginno MogoMogu Squid Jigs

$26.95 $21.95

Product Information

New Yamashita Eginno MogoMogu Squid Jigs
Unique Design with bait spikes & strap so the angler
can add a piece of fish like garfish or pilchard to
the back of the jig for the added attraction of bait!
Ideal for when the squid are finicky or when you're not
actively working the jig as the squid will just come for the bait!
Plus these Eginno MogoMogo jigs have the inbuilt
'search' rattle feature to attract squid from far away!
Size - 3.2 - 20g - 2.8 sec/m
There are 6 colours in the range ;
001 - 490 Glow
002 - 490 Glow
003 - UV Enhanced
004 - UV Enhanced
005 - Natural Silver Baitfish
006 - Red Tape

Jigs come with 2 straps, if these are lost or broken
in time just use a rubber band!